Clip Box is a simple, easy and useful app that manage Clipboard and save its history.
If you copy or cut many text and want to retrieve or restore the previous copied text, then you have to use Clip Box App that save all historical copied text in the box that is available from the notification bar to restore any time.
Main features:
- Start automatically even you restart your device.
- Save clipboard items in a list with copy date.
- You can access Clip Box list anytime from the notification bar.
- You can re-copy any item from the list and paste it again anywhere.
- All you have to do is to click on start service button to start save your clipboard.
Your comments will be appreciated.
Klip Kotak adalah sederhana, mudah dan berguna aplikasi yang mengelola Clipboard dan menyimpan sejarahnya.
Jika Anda menyalin atau memotong banyak teks dan ingin mengambil atau mengembalikan teks disalin sebelumnya, maka Anda harus menggunakan Clip Box App yang menyimpan semua teks disalin sejarah di kotak yang tersedia dari bar pemberitahuan untuk memulihkan setiap saat.
Fitur utama:
- Mulai secara otomatis bahkan Anda me-restart perangkat Anda.
- Item Simpan clipboard dalam daftar dengan tanggal salinan.
- Anda dapat mengakses Clip daftar Box kapan saja dari bilah notifikasi.
- Anda dapat menyalin-ulang setiap item dari daftar dan paste lagi di mana saja.
- Yang harus Anda lakukan adalah mengklik tombol start untuk memulai layanan menyimpan clipboard Anda.
Komentar Anda akan dihargai.
Clip Box is a simple, easy and useful app that manage Clipboard and save its history.
If you copy or cut many text and want to retrieve or restore the previous copied text, then you have to use Clip Box App that save all historical copied text in the box that is available from the notification bar to restore any time.
Main features:
- Start automatically even you restart your device.
- Save clipboard items in a list with copy date.
- You can access Clip Box list anytime from the notification bar.
- You can re-copy any item from the list and paste it again anywhere.
- All you have to do is to click on start service button to start save your clipboard.
Your comments will be appreciated.